Update on Insomnia for Primary Care
Insomnia is a common clinical issue with varying definitions depending on the source. The DSM-V defines insomnia disorder as one or more of: difficulty initiating sleep, maintaining sleep, or early morning wakening with an inability to fall back asleep.
These problems occur despite adequate time allowed for sleep (7 hours), cause dysfunction, and are not attributed to another disorder. The DSM-V then classifies insomnia as either episodic (at least 1 month but less than 3 months), persistent (lasting 3 months or more) and recurrent (2 or more episodes within a year), and considers potential contributing comorbidities.
According to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-3) classification system, symptoms must occur at least 3 times per week, and insomnia is categorized as either short term or chronic. Short-term insomnia disorder in this paradigm (ICSD-3) occurs when the sleep problems have lasted more than 1 but less than 3 months, while chronic insomnia disorder occurs when symptoms persist for more than 3 months.
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